Book Review - A Prince So Cruel by Ingrid Seymour

A Prince So Cruel by Ingrid Seymour

Although I have yet to read ACOTAR and The Cruel Prince, this book, from what little knowledge I have, seems to have been inspired by them. This book is essentially a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Is it the best book I've ever read? No, probably not. But it was entertaining enough for me to continue reading. 

Daniella, Dani, is a human with healing magic who's kidnapped by the Seelie prince, Kalyll because an oracle told him that she could help him break his curse. What is his curse? He becomes a beast at night, with no control over himself. Very little is revealed to Dani but even after knowing his secrets, she still ends up falling for Kalyll. 

Honestly, I really only cared for Dani, Kalyll, and Jeondar. The rest of the characters were interesting enough but not really all that likable. I was surprised when we find out who sabotaged Kalyll's journey to break the curse, and I didn't see it coming. But the ending of this story was predictable. 

I liked this book enough to read the next book.


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