Book Review - Bad Lands by Stacey Marie Brown

Bad Lands by Stacey Marie Brown

I don’t know how it’s possible, but each book of this series has been getting better and better. The first book was easily a 5/5, and if there was a higher rating, I’d assign it to each consecutive book. Although all the books have had amazing plots, the action in this book was just perfect. Stacey Marie Brown has such a talent for writing because most authors who include so many plot points would write in a rushed way, but that’s just not the case for these books. 

Brexley just cannot catch a break. In the first book she’s told that trouble and death just seem to follow her and boy is that ever true. Just when you think that there can’t possibly be any more drama, something major happens. In this book, Brexley finds the nectar and a lot more is revealed about HDF and about who Brexley actually is. I will admit that this series can be a bit repetitive, with Brexley being kidnapped, motorcycle chases, explosions, etc. But I am still eating the story up. 

Caden and Hanna, HDF soldiers, who are still “prisoners” are constantly fighting against Brexley and her explanations of the truth behind Istvan’s rule. But then there is a point where, after Istvan captures everyone, Caden doesn’t tell Istvan that Brexley has the nectar. This is not explained in this book, and I’m hoping that it is explained soon because I just need to know why. I think Ash is a really sweet character in this book. Especially when *SPOILER ALERT* Brexley loses her powers. Also, I thought it was actually good for Brexley to lose her powers because it humbles her a bit. Except I could not believe the cliffhanger ending of this book. After escaping from Halalhaz, I did not think that Brexley and her friends would end up right back in another prison, except this one is worse. 

I’m off to reading book five now, I cannot be stopped. 


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