Book Review - In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

So I also found this book while perusing the Target book section. I had never heard of it before, but loved the description and thought it was such an interesting concept. And all I'll say right now is that I was not disappointed at all. I had previously read One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle and loved it. 

In Five Years follows Dannie Kohan, who has meticulously planned out her entire life. When she goes on an interview for her dream job, she's asked, "where do you see yourself in five years?" And Dannie has her answer planned down practically to the minute. To celebrate her interview, her boyfriend invites her to dinner and proposes, and Dannie is ecstatic and accepts. She goes to bed that night completely content with her life. But when Dannie wakes up, she's five years in the future, in 2025, and in a new apartment in bed with a stranger. After a bizarre hour five years in the future, Dannie wakes up back in 2020. But she can't shake the feeling that it wasn't just a dream but rather a vision of her future. And four and a half years later, she meets the same man from her vision of the future. Will Dannie's life plans be thrown out the window?

I'll be honest, I was a bit confused in the first few chapters. It felt really slow and the way Dannie was introduced was a little confusing. But as the story got going, things cleared up and the plot moved along quickly. Almost too quickly at some points, especially after Dannie suffers a huge loss (I'm trying not to spoil anything). But overall, I loved the characters. And Dannie's friendship with her best friend Bella is so sweet and had me wishing I had a friendship like theirs. 

This concept of this book was so interesting and had me considering so many questions. Like, if you saw what you thought to be your future, would you make any of your decisions differently? Is the future malleable, or will fate always lead you to the same place? 

I totally cried while reading this book, but I'd still give it 5 stars out of 5. This was a really emotional, good story. Rebecca Serle is a master of writing books that really make you ponder about life. 


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